Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Thomas Live!!!

Tonight we went to Thomas Live...It was a lot of fun...The tickets I bought were only $7.50 each but I thought our seats were great...We were up in the balcony in almost the last row but we could see everything perfect...I first bought Tickets just for Hayden, Xander, Jeff and I but decided a few days later to get tickets for Sky and Ash...We couldn't get 2 more tickets together so I bought 3 and invited my mom to go...When we got there our seats were 3 seats in from the end so we traded the people on the end for our 3 better seats and all sat together...It was so much fun to see Hayden, Xander and Ashlynn get so excited during the show...Skyler had fun to but wasn't as into it...All in all we had a great Family night and hope to do more activities like this in the future...

I bought these shirts yesterday....
I got one at Value Village and on at Goodwil...$1.99 each...
The Shirts they were selling at the show were $20.00 each...

1 comment:

julie said...

shoot- where was this? cody would have loved it!!! he was obsessed with thomas forever. and he still won't let us get rid of any of his thomas stuff that he never plays with.