Friday, July 11, 2008


I think that everybody needs to feel like they are loved, so I am doing this tag.

Here are the rules.
1. As a comment on my blog, leave a memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you know me a little or a lot, anything you remember! If we're only blogging friends, write about a post that is most memorable. If you don't have a blog and don't know how to sign in, please comment as anonymous.

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll be sure to write one about you... either on your blog, in my comment box, or I will email you back!

3. If the memory happens to involve my husband, please include him!

4. If you can't say something nice, don't say nothin' at all ☺

Can't wait to hear ♫♪ Memories.. of the way we were...♪♫


kim said...

Just as with Arah, it's hard to pin point just one memory. The times we spent at the hospital with Sierra are so vivid in my mind. Especially that one day (you know the one I'm talking about)Jeff and I walked in together. I still wonder who can eat a snadwich without any condiments. Ewww!!! What started out as just a calling became a friendship that will last forever. I could write my own little story for the mormon journal section of the Ensign!!! And once again as with Ara, the talks that shan't be recorded for the tender eyes that may read this post. Love yer guts!!!

arah said...

Let's see...
1.The first week I went to Pines Ward, you sat by me. You were the first person to say Hi and we were both husbandless that week.
2.I remember how strong you were at Sierra's funeral. I couldn't believe you weren't crying, I still regret not visiting you in the hospital.
3.and as Kim said, all those talks we've had...the long phone calls...GNO's...late nights at Denny's...and so many more memories to come.

arah said...

this is off the subject of your post...I had a dream last night that I was at the hospital for something. You were there visiting me and then I fell asleep, when I woke up you had a baby in your arms. You had gone into labor and had the baby and even came back to my room to tell me. You said that her name was Ava. It was really odd since i am the one who is supposed to be having a baby. Anyway, your not telling me something in my dreams are you? just kidding.

Anonymous said...

So where do I begin, I was there when your mom brought you home from the hospital and new that you were going to be special. Our baby pictures look so much a like and I have always known we were meant to be friends. I love you and am so glad that you are a part of my life love you Kris

Mary Child said...

Okay, the first time I met you was at Lori's Pampered Chef party, and I was so relieved that you were so down to Earth; all I'd heard was that you were this master scrap-booker, and you had every scrapbook item known to man, and everybody loved you... I was totally intimidated (I don't know how many people had said, "Oh, do you know Karen Pixler?) before I finally met you...

And NOW, you're little Karen Pixler, who I completely adore and totally admire!

So a favorite memory would be staying up until the wee hours of the morning in a Seattle Hotel room, blabbing about families, husbands, and life.

OR, cropping at Huckleberry's, while you periodically passed by as I was working on a layout that I hated, and you helped me salvage.

AND, I agree with Arah, I was in AWE of your composure during Sierra's funeral. It was one of those moments that Gospel truths became real for me, and to see you so comforted and camled by them, it was just something I'll never, ever forget.

And Jeff carrying Sierra's casket in his arms is something I'll never, ever forget either.

I think you guys are an amazing family, and I'M SO GLAD I GOT TO KNOW YOU LITTLE KAREN PIXLER!

Cindy said...

all the girls night out memories we have had together. I have known who you are my whole life but I didn't really get to know you until after we started getting together with the girls. You are a crack up and I can always plan on getting some good laughs in when you are around. I love how you seem so real all the time. Life is not a cup of tea and you don't pretend it to be. You are so down to earth. You are an awesome friend and I'm glad we have gotten to know each other after our whole life of just knowing each others names

Anonymous said...

I guess I really should post something but gee, where in the heck do I start. There is so much from you chocking me on my first day home from the hospital to painting the floor with nail polish, shoving everything in the closet when it was time to clean our room, you burying the spoons and I getting in trouble for it, swiming in the garbage cans, kicking rocks and falling off the side walk, beating up the boys because you thought they were bothering me or just to show them who was stronger, joint birthday parties, STAKE DANCES, roomates at EFY, Temple trips ("No I will not be silent"!) Japanese Club trip, you know that I met your husband be for you did, Band Trips " I said no Fires in this gym", giving me a chance to wear my prom dress again (at the hitching post) giving me some very cute nieces and nephews, being co-workers and understanding all the crazyness, taking great pictures at me wedding, visiting me in the hospital after I had Emily, Coming to Alison's blessing and of course last but certainly not least all the great phone conversations that we have EVERY DAY. Love you and miss you. Kiss you kids for me. :-)

Becky said...

Actually- one of my earliest memories of you is when you used to play your trumpet at girl's camp when we were youth (was it Taps?). I was in band and thought you must be pretty good to be asked to play for everyone. Then when we moved into Pines ward years later, I remember you out in the hall with newborn Ashlynn and we started talking. I also remember you saying you wanted 5 kids in 5 years and I thought- WOW- that is one strong woman!!! I could barely handle my two year old and was scared getting ready to have baby #2. This thought was solidified when Sierra passed away- all the rest of us were a mess and you were so strong and kept comforting us (when we should have been comforting you) saying you would see her again. I was amazed at your faith. This is in addition to the many fun times we had getting together - - those were some great years!

Julie Carr said...

Ok I am a little late but I will comment..........Where to begin.... Well you are my first little sister and I think I was excited for you to come home, but you ruined me being the only girl, with 3 boys. After all the years of fights and fun. I remember Skler, then Ashlyn, then beautiful Sierra, then Hayden LOL, and finaly Xander. You are an awesome mom, aunt, sister, and friend. I love you very much and and greatful to be your sister. Oh and by the way it was a very big knife I chased you out of the house with. LOLOLOLOLOL.

Anonymous said...

I'll always remember that you were the first of us to go. You were always our fearless leader, so unafraid of the boys, raising your hand saying, "pick me!" at dances, and keeping us all going the right way. So it seems natural, My dear Karen, that you were the first of us to leave the dying breed club, may your virginity rest in peace.