Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sometimes I dont know why....

Sometimes I don't know why I even bother going to church...My boys were so naughty and I feel bad disrupting everyone else...My Mom and Dad probably didn't hear most of what was said due to Xander saying "Nana...Papa...Papa...Papa...Nana...Nana...Mama...Papa...Papa...Papa...
Papa...Papa..."all through the meeting...and Hayden just wanted to go to his class and play "shoots" (Basketball)...Sky was off today also which is unusual for him because he usually does great at church...I guess it was just one of those days...I haven't been feeling great and i woke up with one of those every hair on my head hurts head aches...but I'm glad I went...The kids love their classes and I really enjoyed mine...And right now i can use all the spiritual uplift i can get...I am still working hard on being a better mom but have thus far been unsuccessful at not yelling...I guess if i yell a little less everyday then one of these days i wont be yelling at all...right?...ok I'm done venting for now thanks for listening...

So I will leave you with this random picture... There is nothing like a muffin in the morning...


arah said...

i love days like these and I only have one child. Your doing great!

Mary Child said...

Oh Karen, I can relate. I have had that thought almost every single Sunday for the past 4 years... WHAT AM I DOING HERE?

I am always feeling like my kids are the worst behaved ones in the chapel; Ivy REFUSES to fold her arms or close her eyes during prayers, and Olivia thinks that the nursery is some kind of torture chamber. There are so many PERFECT families in our ward, and here we are with Jon who works every other Sunday, and never went on a mission, in all his tatoo-ed glory. We are totally the losers of the ward, and I hate feeling so left out. But, that's not what church is for, and I have to keep reminding myself that it's not a popularity contest, and that my kids need to know the Gospel and their Savior...

It is SO HARD sometimes though, and I just wanted you to know that you have some company on those weeks when you're feeling like you should have stayed in bed!!!

Laura said...

Karen I hear ya, I feel that I am a horrible mother due to my yelling, but Ryan is really trying me right now, when I ask him to settle down and stop doing something he gives me that look like HE knows but just doesn't give a darn.

All we can do is try :)

Becky said...

Karen- you are such a good mom! Don't ever think you aren't. Just the fact that you are AT church makes you a good mom! I also feel like my kids are totally disruptive during church- and I feel totally embarrassed in our new ward. One Sunday Jon was gone and I sat next to my vising teacher who has two PERFECT and docile little girls who looked wide eyed at my brood who were starting to fist fight during sacrament meeting. Argh! Not to mention all the times Cynthia has to go potty (which is her get out of jail free card, because she really DOES have a bladder problem and just barely stopped having several accidents a day). I remember several years ago when Marcus was about 5 when he would say loudly "Mom, Church is BORING" (add the appropriate whine) "I want to go HO-OME"

My mom said it right- this is not my time in life to get a lot out of church - the Lord will bless me just for making the effort! So- - hang in there . . .