Monday, May 26, 2008

Best Friends in Heaven

Today I visited Sierra and Olivia's graves...What special spirits these 2 little angels have...I'm sure they are Best Friends in Heaven...I can just see them giggling and laughing together...sharing secrets and picking the most beautiful flowers together...but most important watching over their families together...

We love and miss you both...

Sierra Elizabeth Pixler 6/8/03-8/3/03
Olivia Kamille Kunz 11/11/07


Cindy said...

I feel really bad now. I didn't realize Sierra was buried at the Saltese cemetary until I saw you pull in yesterday. My dad is buried out there and that is why we were out there. I stopped by and said hi to Olivia but not Sierra. Where about's is her grave? Close to Olivia's? I'm sure they are best friends in heaven. How sweet!!

Karen said...

we were just there to visit olivia....sierra is buried at pines in baby land...

Mary Child said...

Karen, what a tender thought, and I'm sure you are exactly right!

arah said...

Thank you so much, Karen. I thought of you guys this weekend also.We didn't get a chance to go out that way this weekend, but I was at Fairmont Cememtery and visited Micah's baby, Olivia, and Sara's baby, Isabella. I would have visited more if I knew who else was buried there.

arah said...

Oh, I think that those two girls are best of friends too. I am sure they are busy doing the Lord's work, and watching over us. I can imagine that they giggle and laugh and play together.

kim said...

Love those cheeks on Sierra!! I had forgotten them. I still cherish that Sunday I got to hold her while you fought with your other kids.

Loved that thought. It's a sweet and comforting way to think of the girls.