Thursday, March 6, 2008

Whats going on in our house...

Hayden learned to climb out of his bed a while back so we decided to put the toddler bed up for him....I was dreading this but it has been great...Well now its going great....The first week we would go in to check on him only to find him sound asleep on the floor...But this week he has been in his bed every night...

Sick Kiddos....Ash was sick a few weeks back but no one else seemed to get it...Saturday Skyler wasn't feeling well and by Sunday he was running a high fever and coughing so hard that he couldn't breath....He stayed home from school Mon and Tuesday but went to school on Wednesday because he had a part in the First Grade play last night...Today he is home from school until 11:15...I will take him to school for class pictures...Hayden Started running a high fever on Monday and just laid on the couch for a few days...His just now feeling better.....

Skylers First Play...Skyler got a part in the First Grade Play...He was a Tailor Bird in the play "How the Beetle Got His Coat"....He had a few speaking lines and did a great job....And yes I make his sweet loved it!!!


Heather said...

Hey Karen, how are you? I havent seen you in forever. Your kids are so cute!!!

Becky said...

Fun stuff! I love the costume- and especially the cute truck toddler bed. We have a hard enough time getting Lillian (18 months old) to sleep well in her crib, let alone a toddler bed. She still gets up a lot at night and like the stinker she is- refuses to go back to sleep until we have let her cry for 1/2 an hour, sometimes more (which keeps everyone awake, due to our insanely small apartment!) OK- I will stop whining now. Every time I look at your blog- I am reminded of how CUTE I think all your kids are! Hope everyone is feeling better too- including you- supermom. . .

Julie Carr said...

They are growing so fast. I can't believe it. Love the pics of your sick kids. Get better.