Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Low Ballers!!!

We had a YMCA Employee bowling tournament last was a lot of fun...I got a trophy for having the lowest bowled game...SWEET...Our team was the "Low Ballers"...we won the best dresses...I was Karen"The Rack" Pixler...My boss was Jodie "Mind in the gutter" Pierson...her hubby was Dan " The Counter Striker" (he is an accountant)...and Jeff was "JEFF"...Good times...


Mary Child said...

Congrats to the low ballers! Very nice!!!

How fun for all of your parents grandkids to be there- I cannot get over how much Alex looks like YOU!

Fun to catch up with you Karen!

Unknown said...

Hey where was that when I worked there?!?! Sounds like a ton of fun. Tell Jody hello.

Unknown said...

Oh and my comments are showing up as Katelyn for some reason (I didn't know that she knew how to or even could sign in but apparently she can and did??) but it's me Lori.