Saturday, May 30, 2009

Memorial day Camping

For memorial day weekend we went camping to the most beautiful place on parents have this camp trailer they leave here year round...we left Friday afternoon and came home Monday is out trip through pictures...not in order...
this is out was so green and the weather was perfect...this is the first time Hayden and Xander have been camping in tents...

Jeff my Mom and Xander did a little reading...
We picked some white irises that we plan to dig up in the fall and move closer to camp...
Good Times...Family Times...
We drove to 2 cabins that were built in the early 1900s...they are falling down but you can still see the outer walls...the cabins belonged to fur trappers...
The kids went for their first ride in the back of a pick-up...Xander wasn't sure about it so he road in the cab on the way back...
We sat around the fire at night...
enjoyed s'mores...
Shot the guns...
put almost 100 miles on the 4-wheeler...Hayden didn't want to get off...
Ate foil dinners for dinner...
played on the 4-wheeler while it was "resting"...
worked on a new hole for the out house...
digg and digggggg....
went on walks with daddy...
ate out side....
watched the humming birds feed all day...
and the kids fav part was the bear we saw...this was taken from the back of the truck on our ride...he was about 10 to 15 yards from us...we also saw a momma and 2 cubs from the porch of the trailer...
all in all it was a really fun trip...but its nice to be home and clean...

1 comment:

Renee' P said...

Karen, looks like you had a good weekend!
Where did you camp at?
Your family is adorable!!!