Friday, April 24, 2009

the joys of childhood illness

All 3 of the boys are dealing with some kind of illness and there isn't a whole lot we can do...At our house we have had Fifths Disease, Moleska Warts, and Impetigo all this week...Hayden and Xander both woke up Tuesday morning with Fifths Disease...for those of you that haven't had the joy of having it, it is a rash all over your body with a low grade fever...very contagous but not dangerous unless you are pregnant...Tuesday i took Skyler to the doctor because he had a few open on his back and 2 on his legs...We covered them with band aids because i had a feeling they were Impetigo (it's a staf infection on your skin)...Tuesday when we took the band aids off at the doctor's office he had had a really bad reaction to the band aid also...the sore on his back was indeed Impetigo but the 2 on his legs were infected Moleska Warts...We knew he had these warts but have been waiting to treat them until his dry skin cleared up...The doctor decided to freeze all his warts off, most of witch were in hid little butt crack...he had over 25...poor kid he was crying and screaming so hard...The doctor put him on antibiotics and we got a new cream for his skin and told us NO more band Hayden and Xander have little spots of impetigo...AHHHH...It's like a never ending circle...luckily we have lots of meds to cover them all...The Fifths Disease is gone now and the warts are starting to scab up...the Impetigo is looking better....its just a good thing we have already had Chicken Pox here...oh well i guess ill just take it a day at a time...
Here is Xan Tuesday morning...his little face is covered in rash...
Haydens face was just as bad...and his chest...
this is Skyler's back..the spot in the middle is Impetigo...the spots on the side are from the band aid...this is after they had started to heal...the band aid marks on his leg are really bad...sorry no pics of his warts except the one on his lower back in this picture...


Amanda Impett said...

Wow I'm sorry you guys have had a rough week your poor boys that's no fun. I'm glad to hear they are on the mend though.

Stephani said...

Poor kiddos, hope everyone feels better soon! And what a brave kid Skyler is, I had to have just one wart frozen off once and I remember it was really uncomfortable and I was a grown up, I can't imagine going through that for 25 of them and as a little kid.