Wednesday, July 9, 2008


We are home...sorry I didn't update while I was there...our Internet was to are a few things we did...Lori watched the kids for an evening while Jeff and i went out to dinner...Thanks Lori...

we went to the was really hot but we had a great time...

on the 4th we had a BBQ at Jeff's dad's house...That was a lot of fun...
on the 5th we went to a family reunion on my mom's family ranch...
the kids got to horse back ride...

and float the river...

we bought a Nintendo Wii...It is sooooooo much fun and even Hayden can play it....
Ashlynn go a mosquito bite and it got swelled up to be about 10 cem across....her little arm is hard and swollen...she is now on antibiotics and a close watch for other infections....if she starts to get sick in the next few weeks she has to be checked for West Nile because there have been a few out breaks in Boise area....Tuesday morning we packed up the car and drove to McCall and met my parents who were on their way home from the reunion...we traveled together from there back to my crazy life....


Laura said...

Looks like a BLAST! Love all the photos and I hope Ash feels better soon.

arah said...

it sounds like it was a fun trip. i love that you found everyone a shirt to match. The Wii is fun, I hear they even make an exercise game that gets harder as you go along.

kim said...

Looks like fun was had by all. I hate long hot drives. Hope the kids were good. Love the Wii!

Karen said...

Arah..its called Wii fit and i was told that it totally kicks your butt...Lori has it and she loves going to get it in a few months...

Becky said...

Sounds like a great trip! Your kids are growing up so fast, I can hardly believe it. I bet it was fun to see Lori!

julie said...

where did you find a wii!?!?! we've been looking for MONTHS!! we're all very addcited... :) by the way, the foot long hot dogs look de-li-cious!

Karen said...

we got our wii at game crazy in crazy is part of hollywood video they sell new and used games....i had a nintendo ds lite and 5 games that i trded in and they gave me $106.00 for it so we used that to pay for part of only cost $150.00 and it is a new one...we have a game crazy here in the valley and im sure other places too...